Spectrüüüm'd (Growth Rings in the Afternoon) ::: Canvas Banner


Spectrüüüm'd (Growth Rings in the Afternoon) ::: Canvas Banner


Made upon order - We are never the same self. Just as a river, a forest, or the sea is never the same twice, neither are we. This spectrum’d grown ring illustrates the vivacious flourishing possible from a single seed of self. Additionally, I had a dream in February of 2019 that involved my childhood home being painted with these teal colors. I woke up with a strange, knowing feeling that this dream held some truth that I had forgotten in my adulthood. I had no conscious memory of our house being painted with these colors, but I called my mom and asked her to get out the old photo album. Lo and behold she found a photo with our the body of our house painted in the lightest teal on this spectrum and the trim in the darkest teal. It had been painted over when I was around 5 or 6.

Our memories are like a deep-sea and hold many things. Full of strange colors and insights.
May this banner offer you nourishment and thriving to process all those waters hold.

::: Paint on hand-dyed fabric banner :::
::: Handset brass eyelets ::: Teal Circle on attached canvas :::
::: Individually signed and monographed (on the back of an old stamp) :::

5’x5’ - Each Banner is created upon purchase

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